www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.
Lifting Beams


Four Point Adjustable Beam

The Four Point Adjustable Beam can be utilized where headroom is limited and when lifting objects that require multiple lift points. It is supplied with four swivel hooks and engineered and manufactured to ASME B30.20 & BTH-1 Design Category B Service Class 2. This USA made beam is proof-tested to 125% capacity and certificates are supplied at no additional charge.

  • Beam stand
  • Additional sizes and options are available
Four Point Adjustable Beam

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.
Lifting Beams


  • Beam stand
  • Additional sizes and options are available

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.
Lifting Beams


Products Specifications

Product Capacity (Tons) Main Beam Min/Max Spread Cross Beam Min/Max Spread Headroom Bail Height Bail Opening Width Bail Opening Height Bail Thickness Hook Opening Weight (Lbs.)
FPAB-3-84/60 3 36/84 24/60 28 1.25 3 5 1 0.91 473
FPAB-5-120/96 5 48/120 36/96 33 2 4 7 1.25 1 958
FPAB-10-144/96 10 72/144 36/96 42 2 4 7 1.25 1.36 1928

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.
Lifting Beams