www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.

Screw Pin Chain Shackles

Small but powerful describes this hot dip galvanized Screw Pin Chain Shackle. Used for hardware and industrial applications, this shackle has an impressive Working Load Limit of up to 17 tons. NOT for overhead lifting. 

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.

Screw Pin Chain Shackles

  • RR-C-271F
  • Type IVA
  • Grade A
  • Class 2
  • Hot Dipped Galvanized
  • Hardware and industrial, accessory

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.

Screw Pin Chain Shackles

Diagram Drawings

*For informational purposes only, contact Peerless for dimensional drawing

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.

Screw Pin Chain Shackles

Products Specifications

Product Trade Size (in.) Pin Dia. (D) (in) Dim A (in.) Dim B (in.) Dim C (in.) Dim G (in.) Quantity Per Pkg. Lbs. Per Ea. Working Load Limit (Tons)
8060005 3/16 1/4 0.75 0.18 0.375 0.625 25 0.05 1/3
8060105 1/4 5/16 0.875 0.24 0.469 0.875 25 0.11 1/2
8060205 5/16 3/8 1.031 0.3 0.531 1 25 0.18 3/4
8060305 3/8 7/16 1.125 0.36 0.656 1.25 25 0.3 1
8060505 1/2 5/8 1.625 0.48 0.812 1.375 10 0.59 2
8060605 5/8 3/4 2 0.59 1.062 1.875 10 1.27 3-1/4
8060705 3/4 7/8 2.375 0.71 1.25 2.125 10 2.6 4-3/4
8060805 7/8 1 2.812 0.83 1.438 2.375 5 3.15 6-1/2
8060905 1 1-1/8 3.188 0.95 1.688 2.625 5 4.75 8-1/2
8061005 1-1/8 1-1/4 3.562 1.07 1.812 2.875 5 6.75 9-1/2
8061105 1-1/4 1-3/8 3.938 1.19 2.031 3.25 5 9 12
8061205 1-3/8 1-1/2 4.438 1.31 2.25 3.5 1 15 13-1/2
8061305 1-1/2 1-5/8 4.875 1.42 2.375 3.75 1 22 17

www.peerlesschain.com | 1.800.873.1916

All specifications, dimensions and drawings are available at www.peerlesschain.com, or call our Customer Service staff for friendly and expert advice on models and options.