Grade 80/100
Working Load Limits

Grade 80 & Grade 100 Alloy Chain

  Single Leg Sling Double Leg Sling Triple & Quad Leg Sling
Grade 80              
7/32″ (6mm) 2,100 3,600 3,000 2,100 5,500 4,400 3,200
9/32″ (7mm) 3,500 6,100 4,900 3,500 9,100 7,400 5,200
5/16″ (8mm) 4,500 7,800 6,400 4,500 11,700 9,500 6,800
3/8″ (10mm) 7,100 12,300 10,000 7,100 18,400 15,100 10,600
1/2″ (13mm) 12,000 20,800 17,000 12,000 31,200 25,500 18,000
5/8″ (16mm) 18,100 31,300 25,600 18,100 47,000 38,400 27,100
3/4″ 28,300 49,000 40,000 28,300 73,500 60,000 42,400
7/8″ 34,200 59,200 48,400 34,200 88,900 72,500 51,300
1″ 47,700 82,600 67,400 47,700 123,900 101,200 71,500
1-1/4″ 72,300 125,200 102,200 72,300 187,800 153,400 108,400
1-1/2″ * 100,000 173,200 141,400 100,000 259,800 212,100 150,000
1-3/4″ * 131,250 227,300 185,600 131,250 341,000 278,400 196,900
2″ * 175,000 303,100 247,500 175,000 454,600 371,200 262,500
Grade 100              
9/32″ 4,300 7,400 6,100 4,300 11,200 9,100 6,400
5/16″ 5,700 9,900 8,100 5,700 14,800 12,100 8,500
3/8″ 8,800 15,200 12,400 8,800 22,900 18,700 13,200
1/2″ 15,000 26,000 21,200 15,000 39,000 31,800 22,500
5/8″ 22,600 39,100 32,000 22,600 58,700 47,900 33,900
3/4″ 35,300 61,100 49,900 35,300 91,700 74,900 53,000
7/8″ 42,700 74,000 60,400 42,700 110,900 90,600 64,000
1″ 59,700 103,400 84,400 59,700 155,100 126,600 89,550

* Large diameter chain manufactured at our Mount Pleasant facility.


Do not exceed Working Load Limits (WLL)! Failure to read, understand and follow the CAUTIONS listed here may cause serious physical injury and property damage.

  • Do Not load an assembly in excess of working load limits shown.
  • Do Not put an unequal load on one leg of a sling. Distribute the load evenly.
  • Do Not expose assembly to impact, rapid lifts or sudden stops.
  • Do Not tie knots or allow chains to become twisted.
  • Do Not use a chain that appears to be defective, worn or damaged.
  • Do Not fasten chain over sharp corners or edges. Protect with padding.
  • Do Not tip load hooks. The latch must never support the load.

When using non-cradle or non-shortening grab hooks in a shortening or choker application, the Working Load Limit (WLL) of the sling must be reduced by 20%.