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Product Package Type Trade Size Wire Dia. (in) Inside Chain Link Length (in) Inside Chain Link Width (in.) Ft. Per Package Working Load Limit (Lbs.) Working Load Limit (kg) Net Wt. (Lbs.)
H0720-2411 Carton 4 0.120 0.550 0.220 100 215 98 13
6010332 Carton 3 0.135 0.590 0.240 100 270 123 15
6010232 Carton 2 0.148 0.630 0.270 100 325 148 19
6011032 Carton 1/0 0.177 0.740 0.320 100 465 212 27
6012032 Carton 2/0 0.192 0.780 0.350 100 545 247 32
6014032 Carton 4/0 0.204 0.977 0.411 100 700 317 42
6015032 Carton 5/0 0.250 1.070 0.450 100 925 419 53
H0707-2411 Reel 4 0.120 0.550 0.220 125 215 98 16
H0710-2411 Pail 4 0.120 0.550 0.220 800 215 98 90
6010250 Reel 2 0.148 0.630 0.270 70 325 148 13
6011050 Reel 1/0 0.177 0.740 0.320 75 465 212 20
6012050 Reel 2/0 0.192 0.780 0.350 70 545 247 22
H0710-2111 Pail 2/0 0.192 0.780 0.350 300 545 247 101
  • Zinc plated
  • Used for overhead doors, tailgates and agricultural implements
  • Carbon steel