Peerless Chain transport accessories include clevis hooks, coupling links and double clevis links used to binder chain applications for heavy-duty cargo control. Forged Clevis transport grab hooks are used to hook back into the chain between the links, connect separate pieces of chain or shorten chain length. Forged Clevis transport slip hooks are designed with a wider throat than grab hooks which allows the chain to slip through the hook in order to hold it securely. Forged Double Clevis Link, or Twin Clevis, and Coupling Links are approved for tie-down chain repair with the same grade & size as the chain.
Peerless Transport Chain Hooks & Links Accessories For Sale
Transport T80 Clevis Grab Hook - Import
Transport Grade 70 Clevis Grab Hook
Transport Grade 70 Clevis Slip Hook - with Latch
Transport Grade 70 Coupling Link
Transport Grade 70 Double Clevis Link
Clevis Grab Hooks, Slip Hooks & Coupling Links Requirements
Transport Tie-Down Chain & Load Binder Specifications (link to https://peerlesschain.com/safety-guidelines/tie-down-chain-and-load-binders-specifications) chart is a guide to meet the basic minimum current in-service requirements in accordance with the FMCSA and the DOT for transport chain. This table lists the minimum number of chain assemblies required to secure a load per DOT, CVSA and CCMTA. Transport chain accessories meet Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations and NACM Specification.
DO NOT EXCEED CAPACITY! See the SAFETY GUIDELINES (link to https://peerlesschain.com/chain-and-fittings) section before using these products. Transport T80 and Grade 70 chain hooks are NOT TO BE USED FOR for OVERHEAD LIFTING.
Cargo Transport Chain Accessories are used in the following industries: Agriculture & Forestry, Construction, Bridge Builders, Highway and Street, Military, Transportation & Utilities - Power, Water, Sewer & Pipe.