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Product Capacity (Tons) Coil ID Min/Max Coil Width Max Headroom Foot Width Foot Thickness Foot Length (in) Bail Height Bail Opening Width Bail Opening Height Bail Thickness Weight (Lbs.)
CLV-1/2-20 1/2 16/20 20 36 4 0.75 13 1.25 3 5 0.63 110
CLV-1.5-20 1.5 16/20 24 36 4 0.75 13 1.5 3 5 0.63 125
CLV-3-20 3 16/20 24 40 5 0.75 13.5 1.5 3 5 0.75 180
CLV-5-20 5 16/20 30 49 6 0.75 14.25 2 4 7 1 195
  • Higher capacities
  • Additional lengths
  • Protective padding